Saturday, March 21, 2009



You’ve just heard about the greatest opportunity or the latest “must-have” product to come along in the past century! So you jump inot the “opportunity” head-first without really thinking about it. You have visions of dollar signs dancing in your head. You tell, your friends, your co-workers, your dog…. Just about anyone or anything with a heartbeat about this great opportunity. You may get one or tow excited responses but most likely you will be shot down. The air has been let our of your balloon, your sails have been deflated.. your hopes have been dashed.

OR the Opposite Occurs

You pass on an income opportunity thinking you have seen it all BUT everyone else seems to get involved and you miss the boat!!

What went wrong??

Quite simply, you let your emotions get the best of you. You did not have the tools or the knowledge to discern the good from the not so good. You thought with your heart and not with your head.

Take some time to assess and answer the following questions in each category in relation to your current or prospective business. The more honest you are with your answers, the better the likelihood is that you’ll be on your way to finding the ideal income opportunity.

Your Leveraged Support Team (LST)

  1. Does your LST understand how to build long term relationships?
  2. Is integrity evident in the members of your LST?
  3. Is crossline interaction encouraged on LST?
  4. Do you and your LST have compatible values?
  5. Does your LST us manipulative techniques to prospect new members?
  6. Is the LST taking advantage of the latest Social Networking technology?
  7. Are the LST members willing to do three-way calls and conference calls?
  8. Is there room for leadership advancement?
  9. Are you recognized and rewarded as a member of the LST
  10. Does the LST celebrate your success?
  11. Does the LST encourage your participation without making you feel pressured?

The Product or Service

  1. Is the product or service highly consumable?
  2. Do people have to change a habit or create a new one?
  3. Is there a big learning curve to use or apply the product?
  4. Will consumers purchase the product even if they are not involved with the opportunity?
  5. Is the product fairly priced?
  6. If nutrition based is the potency and purity guaranteed?
  7. Does the company manufacture its own products according to the highest standards?
  8. Is the product safe/low risk?
  9. Are there valid testimonials?
  10. Is there a money back guarantee?
  11. Is there scientific research and credibility behind the product?
  12. Is the product a fad?

The Company

  1. What is the purpose of the company?
  2. Is the company managed by a reputable and skilled management team?
  3. Has the company been in business long enough to have a proven track record?
  4. Does the company have a good reputation within its industry?
  5. Does the company have solid financial backing?
  6. Is there ongoing communication between corporate officers and the field leadership?
  7. Does the company provide exceptional support material at a fair price?
  8. Does the field leadership have input into company policies?
  9. Does the company grow in economic downturns?
  10. Does the company have plans for international expansion?
  11. Does the company have long term vision?

The Compensation Plan (CP)

  1. What is the minimum enrollment?
  2. Is there tons of front end loading?
  3. Is the CP a modern or 21st century plan designed to create leverage AND personal productivity?
  4. Is there good income possibility for part time involvement?
  5. Does the CP pay weekly?
  6. Are there monthly personal or group requirements?
  7. Are you paid on personal purchases?
  8. Will your organization eventually break-away from you?
  9. Does the CP provide for quick or immediate income?
  10. Does the volume flush to the company?

Just as Important – What About You –

  1. Are you a team player?
  2. Are you coachable?
  3. Do you take personal responsibility for your actions?
  4. Do you have integrity?
  5. Are you willing to support and help your team, LST, and crossline?
  6. Will you take the time to develop your personal skills?
  7. Can you manage more than one thing at a time?
  8. Do you have Stick-em? (my Dad’s term)
  9. Do you have goals?
  10. Do you follow through on commitments?
  11. How do you manage your time?
  12. Do you like to have fun?

1 comment:

Organo Gold said...

The more honest you are with your answers, the better the likelihood is that you’ll be on your way to finding the ideal income opportunity.