Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Integrity Factor

The Integrity Factor

This is a two-part formula to help you live with the utmost integrity. It’s simple and effective. I challenge you to start following this every day.

1. When you always tell the truth, people trust you.
2. When you do what you promise to do, people respect you.

You will rise above 98% of the competition if you follow this formula. When you think of it, most people do not do what they say they are going to do, or don’t do it when they say they will do it. If you DO what you promise, it will become apparent to people you deal with and in time you will have NO competition.

A friend of mine, Andrew, was expanding his company and needed a graphic designer. One came highly recommended as very talented; he was not very expensive and was available. Andrew contracted with this graphic designer, set up timelines and then got to work in other areas. The talented graphic designer was always late, causing Andrew to be late. Andrew was losing his integrity with his clients by being late. This happened over and over.

To resolve this problem, Andrew was referred to another graphic designer. His first question was about meeting deadlines. Andrew took her on, and he never missed another deadline. In fact, this designer kept my friend honest. “Andrew, if you do not get me the information I need I will not meet the deadline and neither of us will be happy.”

This designer was only 24 years old and not as artistically talented, yet she kept her promises and her integrity and therefore was booked solid. She could subsequently charge more money and in effect had no competition.

The words “as promised” are significant. Use these in your regular correspondence. It will reinforce the fact that you really do follow through. If you say you are going to send a follow up e-mail to a prospective client, start the e-mail “As promised, here is the information about ……..”

When you do this, it is a subtle reminder that you keep your commitments. And if you keep your commitments, you will rise above 98% of the crowd. You will have no competition.

Build your life on Integrity and you will never have to look over your shoulder.

Your partner in Success


1 comment:

Wellness Coach said...

I agree on the points made in "The Integrity Factor". Dr Joe Vitale, author and part of the movie "the Secret" at made the point in a DVD of his I was watching last night, that integrity begins with ourselves; that is keeping the commitments we make silently to ourselves about things we are going to do. Simple things like when I say 3:00 PM I will go to the store. Keep it. Integrity begins within