Saturday, December 6, 2008

Eat That Frog

Being in business as a Home Based Globalpreneur is always an adventure. Every day, we are faced with at least one thing we simply do not want to do!

Check out Mac Anderson's (Founder of Simple Truths) email that I just received. Enter... Eat That Frog! This video is based on a little piece of Brian Tracy's best-selling book...Eat That Frog. It takes less than 2 minutes to watch, but here's won't forget it!

I can tell you that this concept is simple. It works and will add to your personal productivity.

We all understand this concept, but this is a great illustration to forward to your teams. When times are tough, this simple video will make the concept more enjoyable.

Enjoy and Live with Passion,
Fred and Shirley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a really good video! Nice and short, but to the point. It also makes a lot of sense. I know if first thing each morning I did the task that I dreaded most, I would feel relieved and it would be easier to go about my day instead of remembering what I have yet to do and shuddering a dozen times throughout the day.